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The story behind the shot

The Green Escape has been a photo that has been full of surprises for me. One if the image get’s blown up to 2’x3’ you can spot the somewhat hidden birds. When it was originally published in

DigitalCameraWorld it was far too small to spot the birds. Just before publication I went looking for the original image to ensure that I had it just incase they wanted to see the original image for copywriting. I was surprised to find that this image was taken with an iPhone X in the standard jpeg format. Which brings me to two points. One is get the picture with whatever camera you have in your hand or pocket. It does not have to be the best in the world or with the most megapixels either. Because if you got the shot you have something to work with but if you didn’t get the shot you have nothing. My second point is that Photo editing software is sooooo advanced these days that some serious magic can be done with nearly any photo.

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